


Explore Seville
Flamenco Tickets


Auditorio Alvarez Quintero

Museum of Flamenco Dance

Peñas Flamencas in Sevilla

Peñas Flamencas are cultural associations dedicated to flamenco, often times founded in the memory of an artist, a well-known location or even a genre of flamenco. As cultural associations they offer the chance for gifted amateurs to perform and practice, and network with local flamenco artists. They also offer locals and visitors an opportunity to see flamenco performed in a more relaxed setting, often at a nominal charge which goes directly to the operation of the cultural association. Many will offer bar service, and at times tapas or food. But don't expect fancy settings and many services. Because they are less business oriented, the publication of their events is often hard to find. For the same reason many of the locations are further from the center, where rent is more reasonable!

Peña Flamenca "Torres Macarena"

Torrijiano, 29
Tel: 954372384
Located in the Macarena quarter of Seville, this pena was founded in 1974 in a location on Calle Torres, and so was named "Torres Macarena". Since then it quickly moved to the Calle Torrijano and a larger space. Today it features a 120 seat venue, and the performances are without any kind of sound system - only the voices and instruments as they are heard naturally. Visit the Peña web site >>

Peña Flamenca "Cerro del Aguila"

c/ Tomás Pérez, 61
Tel: 954631077

Peña Flamenca "Niño Ricardo"

Monte Tabor-Local 3
Tel: 954221588

Peña Flamenca "Niño de Arahal"

c/ Algaba 4-6
Tel: 954633063

Peña Flamenca "Calixto Sanchez"

Avd. Ciudad Jardín, s/n - Escuela de EGB
Tel: 954381724

Peña Flamenca "Amigos de Manuel Mairena"

Guillén de Castro, 26

Peña Flamenca "El Chozas"

Ricardo Palma, 133
Tel: 954630826

Peña Flamenca "Jumoza-3"

Avda Ciudad de Chiva, s/n - P. Alcosa - Local 12
Tel: 954526148

Peña Flamenca "Sentir Flamenco Pablo Olavide"

Carretera Utrera K-1, 17
Tel: 667533731

Peña Flamenca "El Turruñuelo"

c/ Juan de Pineda, 51
Tel: 699999206

Peña Flamenca "Pies Plomo"

Darsena, 22
Tel: 954905964

Map of the Peñas in Sevilla

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